Our team of committed attorneys understands the importance of your case. With experience in a wide array of practice areas, Leonard Law Firm will handle your legal issues with care and professionalism. Contact us today.

  • Corporate Law: Leonard Law Firm has a team of experts ready to advise our clients on Corporate Law related matters in Western Kentucky and Southern Illinois. We extend our legal experiences to serve clients of all types and sizes. Give us a call now.

  • Bankruptcy: Whether you are a consumer strapped with out of control credit card debt, or a business facing hard times, we are pleased to offer advice concerning protection under the bankruptcy laws of the United States.

  • Banking: Leonard Law Firm has extensive experience in litigation on behalf of banks in seeking judgments and collecting on outstanding debts. It has also served as general counsel for many local banks advising them of day-to-day activities.

  • Civil Litigation: Leonard Law Firm has extensive expertise in civil litigation who has represented Plaintiffs and Defendants alike to successful results.

  • Estate Planning: Leonard Law Firm can help you plan for the future by drafting wills, trusts, Power of attorney, and living wills. We can also assist in helping resolve the estate of your passed loved one.

  • Alternative Dispute Resolution: Leonard Law Firm is experienced in all forms of ADR and are skilled at using dispute resolution to our clients’ strategic advantage. We seek cost-effective solutions for settling disputes by avoiding litigation through the use of arbitration, mediation or negotiation. ADR procedures are usually less costly and more expeditious than litigation.

  • Traffic Law: Leonard Law Firm will work with you to resolve any of the outstanding traffic tickets or citations that may be hindering your daily life.

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(270) 817-7221

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