Massac County Personal Injury Lawyer Steps Up Against Insurance Companies

Former Illinois insurance company defense attorney Andrew Leonard is using his insights to help Massac County personal injury victims obtain financial compensation and fair settlements.

When you get injured, in an accident, fall, or even medical mishap, assuming it was not your fault, it should not be your responsibility to bear the costs. This is a fundamental principle of our legal system and one of the main reasons we pay into insurance companies month after month.

Unfortunately, when it comes time for these insurance companies to take action and actually pay what they owe, they are often reluctant. They will deny, dispute, or delay compensation with the goal of paying less than what you need or deserve.

Just ask attorney Andrew Leonard. He spent 7 years defending their clients and positions in court before finally having enough and breaking away to take what he learned to help the injured in Massac County. Now, he uses the insights acquired defending insurance companies to ensure that Illinois and Kentucky accident victims obtain fair compensation and reasonable settlements.

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What Tactics Do Insurance Companies Use To Pay You Less?

Personal Injury Lawyer Massac County Illinois

The now infamous words Deny and Delay are certainly a large part of what makes insurance companies so loathed and so profitable. But what do these insurance company tactics actually look like, in practice, for accident victims and other injured folks in Illinois and Kentucky? Let’s go over some examples of what that might look like for folks in Massac County.

Denying Claims

This is the hardline position. Anyone who wants to get compensation from an insurance company has to request it, filing out forms, and providing evidence. You have to “prove” that the person or company whose insurance you are demanding compensation from caused that harm, as well as each individual cost associated with it.

If an adjuster for the company or someone higher up on the chain decides that there is not sufficient evidence that their client was responsible or that the injury was caused by something else, they might straight up deny the claim. They are never “supposed” to do this in bad faith (you can sue them for that), but if they can present flaws in your evidence or enough evidence of their own to get away with trying, they will.

Example: Imagine you were in an accident, rear-ended on Interstate 24 while rolling through Massac County. The insurance company might try to argue that you had acted dangerously or that the injury you sustained to your leg was due to a football injury you sustained earlier in the year.

Fortunately, with a good lawyer, you can appeal these denials, take them to court with a lawsuit, or even sue them for a bad faith denial.

Delaying Payments And Processing

A more common and easier-to-get-away-with tactic. Time is money, and time without money is tough. If insurance companies can delay payments and slow processing to a crawl, even with very simple tactics like taking weeks to respond to emails, only to tell you that you need to re-submit something for an error.

This move offers two big advantages to the insurance company.

  • First, the money you paid them is worth something while they hold on to it. They are making it work, investing it, and getting returns on that money. So, the longer they wait to pay it back to you, the more cost-effective it is.
  • Second, you need that money, and they know it. You might need to pay back hospital bills, cover surgery to fix your knee after a crash, or simply survive while you are unable to work. Not having it can make you desperate, and that can make you accept a lower settlement from the insurance company, cutting their cost for them.

Such tactics are difficult to fight, especially when you are struggling to get by. A good attorney will take over communication with the insurance company for you, anticipate delays, and cut through excuses. Especially one like Andrew Leonard, who knows what they can do. Finally, your attorney can help you get medical care on a lien, which allows you to obtain treatment or even surgery without paying up-front.

Example: If you slip and fall in a big-name store, the insurance company might wait a month or two to process your request, then send it back with a request for more information, wait to process that, and on and on until you accept what seems like a reasonable amount, only to have it fail to cover all your needs.

Call For A Free Assessment Of Your Needs | (270) 817-7221

Massac County Personal Injury Lawyer Fights Back

Personal Injury Lawyer Massac County Illinois

Attorney Andrew Leonard is far too familiar with these tactics, and more. He used to defend insurance companies and their claim decisions in court. He saw firsthand some of these tactics in action and decided to learn, then take and use that knowledge to help those whom insurance companies ended up hurting.

Now, he is building a name for himself in the personal injury field, taking on injured clients throughout Southern Illinois and nearby Kentucky. His practice has already won acclaim for doing exactly what the insurance companies do not: listening, caring, and taking action. In many ways, it is the opposite of denying and delaying, though he is still defending.

Only now, instead of defending the profits of insurance companies, he is defending those who need that money to survive and get by after catastrophic accidents and disabling personal injuries. With the help of such an experienced personal injury lawyer, you have a genuine chance of obtaining the compensation you need and getting the settlement you deserve.

Call A Massac County Personal Injury Lawyer Near You!

Leonard Law Firm | A Massac County, Illinois, personal lawyer ready to stand up against insurance companies and help you obtain a fair settlement for compensation after an accident or injury.

Have you or someone you love been injured in Massac County or a neighboring county in Illinois or Kentucky? Are you struggling to get the money you need after an accident from an insurance company? Call personal injury lawyer Andrew Leonard today to start fighting back.

Do not wait for an insurance company to offer you a terrible deal, and never sign anything without consulting an attorney. To get help fighting for your right to personal injury compensation, call (270) 817-7221 or schedule a free consultation online.

Call For A Free Assessment Of Your Needs | (270) 817-7221
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